Saturday 8 January 2011

Paradise lost!

Well, not entirely lost but Guayaquil feels pretty much like coming back to earth with a bang. From peace and quiet to car horns and throngs of people!

Our final morning was spent on the island of San Cristobel before catching a midday flight back to the mainland. Jon was there to meet me again and this afternoon (after another cuppa) we head out into Guayaquil city centre to visit the cemetery. Yes, the cemetery!

Turns out that Jon and I also have a morbid fascination for cemeteries in common. You can tell a lot about people by how they bury their dead, you know!

This evening Christian is cooking for us Ecuadorian style but we might venture out for a drink in town before a full day of sightseeing tomorrow. Should be fun!

Can't believe that tomorrow is my last day. Boo!

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