Monday 3 January 2011

Back in Guayaquil

Just a very quick blog tonight as it's already 10pm and we have to eat and get a reasonable night's sleep before Jon's 7am class and my 8am pick up for the airport.

This morning, my run of good luck when it comes to modes of transport continued when the taxi we had hailed to take us up to a tree house in the mountains started overheating half way up the hill with steam coming through the dashboard. However, we were soon on our way again in a different car.

Another day, another spectacular view. This time of Tunguruhua spurting out volcanic ash clouds. And we got to witness it from a beautiful little tree house nestled in the mountainside and from a rather perilous looking swing which takes you right out over the edge. I've noticed that Ecuadorians aren't that big on health and safety...!

The rest of the day has pretty much been spent on the bus back to Guayaquil. Seven and a half hours in the end but lots to see out of the window when it was light and Scrabble to play when it wasn´t!

Off to the Galapagos tomorrow. Can´t wait!

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