Sunday 2 January 2011

How to start a New Year

Last night/this morning seems a very long time ago now but it was certainly a LOT of fun!

We got in at around 4am after a New Year's party unlike any other I've ever been to. So many great moments to share but a particular favourite of mine was zooming up to the volcano viewing platform on what Jon and I christened the party bus dancing in our seats to the Macarena. That tells you all you need to know really!

Everyone was out on the streets having a great time and midnight was spent watching our favourite effigy go up in a ball of flames before searching out a recommended bar and dancing the night away. You'll be relieved to hear that the music did improve a little!

I'll let the photos do the rest of the talking on my return.

After a brief but good sleep we were up again this morning to explore the scenery around Banos.

Jon and I share a New Year's resolution: do more stuff. So, that's exactly what we did!

In fact I did the scariest thing I've ever done for starters... I watched Jon jump off a bridge into a ravine! I genuinely think I was more terrified than him! I also discovered how easy it is to bond with other women regardless of language barriers - just watch men do stupid things together!

Before that I had already done the second scariest thing ever. I sped across a different ravine on a zip wire with nothing but a little harness to stop me from plunging into the depths below! Totally exhilarating!

After all the daredevil antics we spent the rest of the day serenely marvelling at the waterfalls in the area and getting very wet as a result. The natural beauty of this country is astounding and some of the butterflies I've seen today are too beautiful to describe.

Having successfully 'done stuff' we're now back at the hostel for some hammock time before heading out again for dinner and the thermal spa. Not a bad way to end another exceptional day.

Sending you all lots of New Year wishes from South America's best kept secret!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Banos, Ecuador

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