Saturday 8 January 2011


So, my final post from Ecuador...

I was pretty resigned to coming home until I just read that Stevenage beat Newcastle in the FA Cup. If that's not a reason to stay put, I don't know what is!

Last night Guayaquil did a great job of reminding me that I'm a city girl at heart. We had a great night in the old town area of Las Penas and ended up in a bar with a live singer. I got to practise my 'moves' to Juanes amongst others and no-one even laughed at me. I even got to try out my one salsa 'routine'. I call that a success!

After a nice lie in this morning, we've done the 'Guayaquil highlights' tour. I think this city gets a undeserved bad press. There is lots to see and do and I've felt as safe as you can feel in any major metropolis.

So, I'm off to repack my backpack for the umpteenth time this trip and have a nice cold shower! It's very hot and sticky here so I'm slightly dreading the shock that London's weather is going to be to my nicely warmed up system. Ah well, all good things must come to and end.

Thank you for reading. I'll post a link to Flickr with all the photos once I've had a chance to do some editing (i.e. remove all photos of me!) and add captions.

Hasta pronto!

1 comment:

  1. Well, I'm not sure I will be bothered to read your blog spot any more if there are no more tales of giants and sea creatures! I mean, it's an atrocious removal of animal care (plus! I have been living my life long dream vicariously through your trip - so GET BACK OUT THERE!) herrrrumph. Although, of course, I am looking forward to seeing you and hearing your tales in person. Tx
