Friday 24 December 2010

Twas the night before Christmas...

... and all through the house, there was a lot of last minute preparation going on! No, I haven't packed (yikes!) but the table is laid, the presents are wrapped and the brussel sprouts are ready for the off!

I'm a funny mixture of excited and nervous right now. Looking forward to a lovely Christmas Day tomorrow with Mum, Dad, Richard and Marie but also slightly panicked about what I've inevitably forgotten to do or buy before I can go away. The shops do open on Boxing Day, right?! At least Jon's only request was teabags - now that I can do :)

Weather report for Guayaquil is 28 degrees but heavy rain. This is the biggest packing challenge I've ever faced - leaving London in sub-zero temperatures, arriving in a tropical thunder storm, acclimatising at altitude, walking up (and down) volcanoes, partying in Banos, snorkelling in the Galapagos. And it's all got to fit in a backpack - no wonder I haven't started, I don't know how to!

Well, for now I'm going to go and watch that spooky drama with John Hurt in on BBC2. There's nothing like a bit of Christmas telly with a cup of tea and a box of chocolates to calm the nerves!

If I don't get around to posting anything tomorrow, I wish you all a very MERRY CHRISTMAS with your families.

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