Sunday 26 December 2010

Going, going, gone!

I've packed. Whether I have any of the right things is questionable but I figure that as long as I have my passport, tickets, lip balm, tooth brush and a good book to read (which I do thanks to Ricky!), the rest I can buy in Ecuador.

I'm mega excited - in fact so excited that I seem to find it acceptable to use 'mega' in a sentence! And to top it off, I'm just about to eat cold turkey with bubble and squeak for my lunch. Life doesn't get much better!

I had a lovely day yesterday and hope you all did too - thank you to Mum, Dad, Richard and Marie for making it so special and to everyone else who sent cards, presents, texts or thoughts in our direction.

Next post hopefully from Guayaquil where I promise to use fewer exclamation marks!!!!

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