Monday 27 December 2010

Silver linings...

(Written at 8.30am on Monday 27th December)

So, last night I wanted to throw things (preferably at Willie Walsh) and cry (the cricket fans amongst you should be grateful that I decided against inflicting that on you as the only ones likely to still be awake!) but I´ve woken up this morning back to my usual self.

Yes, I may have missed my connecting flight due to BA's incompetence but I'm determined to find the silver lining to what last night felt like a very gloomy cloud!

Here goes...

1. I´ve never been to Madrid before and a Russian girl and Finnish guy I was chatting to last night tell me it's wonderful (yes, I do talk to anyone!)

2. This hotel is pretty decent and I'm going to make the most of it by having a long soak in the bath and a HUGE breakfast!

3. I've met a lovely Chilean girl called Valia who lives in London and who also missed her flight (to Santiago) and has also been rebooked for around midnight tonight. We're going to explore together and, as a bonus, she obviously speaks Spanish and has been here before.

4. The sun is streaming through the window and it looks like it's going to be a genuinely beautiful day.

5. I'm in Spain. What's not to love? Great food, friendly people, relaxed culture... I'm going to lap it all up.

6. There are plenty of other reasons to be cheerful, chief amongst them that my dear friend Sabra safely delivered baby Maia into the world at 7.30 CET last night! Congratulations to her and Luca on their very special christmas present!

So, wish me luck for tonight and say a little prayer to the patron saint of lost luggage that mine somehow miraculously turns up in Ecuador!

And Don, if you're sitting there thinking, "I told her to book another flight to Madrid to make sure she didn't miss her connection," I might still decide to throw things... this time, at you!! ;o)

Adios amigos!


  1. Told her to book another flight to Madrid to make sure she didn't miss her connection......ouch!
    (though bet there weren't any, so it was a stupid idea)
    You're on your way now, so everything's ,,,, fine!
    Have a fantastic time.

  2. Hope all is now well and that you have stopped throwing things!
    How was Madrid? always fancied a trip.
    Have a lovely time and I will be checking up on your progress.

    Take care
    Love Big Bruv.
